Acupuncture can cure hiccups… or can it? Elliot puts this ancient practice to the test.
View I Get the Point »Acupuncture can cure hiccups… or can it? Elliot puts this ancient practice to the test.
View I Get the Point »Obviously I can't speak for anyone's mindset save my own. These are a few changes I've discerned since getting my diagnosis—since Elliot-Then became Elliot-Now.
View The Cancerous Mindset »[Apologies for the less-than-stellar audio quality… someday I'll have a real recording studio. In the meantime, feel free to turn on the closed captions.]
View Breaking News »I know I said I don't really have a bucket list, but after not being able to enjoy my favorite foods for a few months I do have a new goal. It's a plate list.
View My Plate List »If you caught the newscast a couple of weeks ago, you might be wondering: Why two radiation treatments? I sat down with the radiation docs a few days ago to get a full explanation.
View Glow-in-the-Dark Elliot »In which we catch up on recent events via the time-honored tradition of answering readers' letters.
View Mail Grab Bag »There hasn't been much to report lately, which on the whole is good. Both the radioembolization mapping procedure (AKA the dry run) and the actual RE procedure itself went smoothly—I was awake for both, but the sedation kept things pain-free. Recovery period was about a day, which meant I was able to enjoy a terrific…
View No News Is Good News »Saw the oncologist yesterday, and the CT scan results are “as good as can be expected”—no sign of cancerous growth or spread. Of course if we entertain the unexpected, we could hope the cancer would actually be disappearing instead of holding steady. But it’s too soon for the radioactive yttrium-90 particles to have accomplished much. Maybe…
View Some News Is Still Good News »That seems to be the rallying cry among those I meet now. And in truth, I'm thrilled. Losing hair elsewhere was not exactly a new experience, but I've been bearded since college.
View The Beard Is Back! »Just saw the oncologist recently, and once again there’s very little change. The pancreatic and liver masses haven’t grown significantly, and my CA-19 (blood cancer marker) level is still around 310. That’s down from an initial high of 1,600. The recently completed chemo treatment was #12, so I’ve just logged six months of toxic drug…
View Today Is Wednesday… »