Most visitors to this site will likely have heard the news already, but I have pancreatic cancer that has spread to my liver. I don't smoke, I don't drink, and there's not really a history of pancreatic or liver cancer in my family—so this was completely unexpected.
View An Unwelcome Guest »The Calm During the Storm
Often throughout my life, I’ve been told that I “radiate calm” or words to that effect, which is typically a good thing. Given the recent circumstances, though, I think there is a concern I may be taking this conceit too far. More than one person has looked at me as if saying, “Shouldn’t you be…
View The Calm During the Storm »Oscar Acceptance
I'd like to thank the Academy…and all the others who have shown their support since I got my diagnosis.
View Oscar Acceptance »Interview with Cyril
I know people have been waiting for an update, so I agreed to an interview by my good friend Cyril the salamander.
View Interview with Cyril »