A helpful “cheat sheet” for beginners that stresses thinking about the auction as a conversation (the tempo of rebids) instead of trying to force all hands into a fixed flowchart of responses. Offers some simple hand evaluation principles and bidding guidelines for “natural” bidding (nothing fancy) and SAYC.
View Bridge Basics and Bidding Guide »Games

Many Bridge players lament that three-handed variations lack the real game's complexity. On the other hand, one of the best three-handed card games around—Skat, the German national card game—is filled with arbitrary rules that are off-putting to initiates. Hence Whiskey (from Whist + Skat—say it quickly), which takes some of the best features from each game to solve the three-player dilemma.
View Whiskey »Simple Go Rules

Simple Go Rules presents a Platonic ruleset that allows elegant playing of the ancient game of Go.
View Simple Go Rules »Duplicate Scrabble
Duplicate Scrabble removes all elements of luck from this fun crossword game.
View Duplicate Scrabble »The Eastern Mysticism Bidding System
Eastern Mysticism is a bidding system that employs the best elements of a strong club opening, a weak notrump, and 2-over-1. It is optimized for matchpoints but requires only a shift in judgment for IMP scoring.
View The Eastern Mysticism Bidding System »Recommended Bridge Books

I don’t have the world’s most extensive bridge library, but I’ve read a lot of bridge books over the years. These are the ones I’ve found most helpful.
View Recommended Bridge Books »What Makes a Good Card Game?
I have definite ideas about what makes a good card game. My favorite card game, duplicate bridge, meets many of those expectations but requires 4 people to play. Tennis and Whiskey are my attempts to develop games for 2 and 3 players that meet all my standards. What are those standards? Glad you asked…
View What Makes a Good Card Game? »Tennis

Tennis is a plain-trick game in which two players strive to match a bid number of tricks exactly for each of their two hands.
View Tennis »Card Games Family Tree

Playing cards are amazingly versatile; they can be used for thousands of different games. But even with all that diversity, games with cards display similarities that let us group them together into a “family tree” of card games.
View Card Games Family Tree »Card Games by Deck
A survey of the different decks of cards used by various popular games worldwide.
View Card Games by Deck »