A helpful “cheat sheet” for beginners that stresses thinking about the auction as a conversation (the tempo of rebids) instead of trying to force all hands into a fixed flowchart of responses. Offers some simple hand evaluation principles and bidding guidelines for “natural” bidding (nothing fancy) and SAYC.
View Bridge Basics and Bidding Guide »Bridge
Eastern Mysticism Outline

The official bidding flowchart of openings, responses, overcalls, and conventions used in the Eastern Mysticism bridge bidding system.
View Eastern Mysticism Outline »Signals and Leads
Carding methods in Eastern Mysticism: Why you should play upside-down count and attitude, odd-even discards, and more.
View Signals and Leads »The Eastern Mysticism Bidding System
Eastern Mysticism is a bidding system that employs the best elements of a strong club opening, a weak notrump, and 2-over-1. It is optimized for matchpoints but requires only a shift in judgment for IMP scoring.
View The Eastern Mysticism Bidding System »Recommended Bridge Books

I don’t have the world’s most extensive bridge library, but I’ve read a lot of bridge books over the years. These are the ones I’ve found most helpful.
View Recommended Bridge Books »Eastern Mysticism Convention Card
A custom convention card for use at ACBL-sanctioned events.
View Eastern Mysticism Convention Card »BidPractice

BidPractice is a pass-and-play app for iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads. It lets up to four bridge players hone their bidding skills by generating random deals.
View BidPractice »1M Opening
2-over-1 has quickly become the default system for US duplicate players, and for good reason. It’s much better than old Standard American at quickly limiting hand ranges. Which of course means that it’s right at home in a strong club system after opening 1M. But because Opener is also limited, we get added benefits. In Eastern…
View 1M Opening »