Now We Are Two


Climbing the jungle gym

Aidan had a low-key celebration for his second birthday . . . We’ll save the big party for next year. But he’s more active than ever, climbing everything in sight and riding his tricycle like a demon. He even pushes us out of the way if he feels we’re following too closely.

Phone call

And as a 21st-century toddler, he’s quite comfortable with all forms of technology. Now that he’s talking, the grandparents don’t want to speak to us on the phone anymore.

Smile for the camera

Aidan has also picked up a new smile. What a ham.

After the bath

Here’s a more natural smile—guess it was a good bath. That’s Shmoofy (aka "Mooshy") popping out next to Aidan. Shmoofy is The One Thing That Must Never Be Lost Or Mommy and Daddy Will Be in Big, Big Trouble.

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